Paint Strippers Australia - Suppliers & Distributors

We have compiled a list of suppliers who sell Paint Stripper in Australia, including:

Paint Stripping Products, Paint Removers, Graffiti Strippers, Commercial Paint Strippers.

Where to buy Paint Strippers in Australia

We have compiled a list of Paint Stripper suppliers in Australia, If looking for a particular Paint Stripper to purchase, simply use the search box, then use the suppliers website link for more information or prices. The businesses listed that supply Paint Strippers for sale have a genuine Australian presence and include: manufacturers, distributors, wholesalers, industrial, retail and bulk suppliers. Alternatively search: NZ, UK or the USA.

Graffiti Remover & Paint Stripper GRAFFITI REMOVER & PAINT STRIPPER - AC800 is a viscous mobile solvent gel formulated to remove carbon, rubber, resin, paint and varnish from bricks, stone and metal surfaces, including ferrous metals and alloys. Apply a liberal amount of AC800 directly onto the surface with a paint brush. Allow 10-15 minutes contact time for the product to penetrate and soften the coating. Finally, clean the surface by scraping or hosing off with water. Some stubborn coatings and residue films may require a second application of AC800. Dry the surface and apply as before. Pack Sizes: 5 Litre, 20 Litres, 205 Litre Drums. Product ID: AC800. Chemicals By Industry, Brick & Concrete Cleaning, Chemicals By Industry, Building & Construction. Able Westchem
Australia Wide
Able Ecosoak ABLE ECOSOAK & STRIP requires no special heating or agitation and works like magic. For use in a SOAK BATH operation. It is a NON DANGEROUS, low VOC, industrial strength ENVIRONMENTALLY RESPONSIBLE soak tank paint stripper that effectively removes high performance, architectural & industrial paints & surface coatings. ABLE ECOSOAK & STRIP will successfully remove multiple coats of most oil-based coatings, water-based coatings, varnishes, acrylics, urethanes, polyurethanes, epoxies, inorganic zincs, elastomeric coatings and specialty marine coatings. This product is considered safe for use on most surfaces such as wood, brick, stone, concrete and metals. Pack Sizes: 20 Litres. Product ID: AC808. Chemicals By Industry, Automotive, Chemicals By Industry, Building & Construction, Chemicals By Industry, Marine, Chemicals By Industry, Mining, Chemicals By Industry, Workshop. Able Westchem
Australia Wide
Able Ecostrip Paint remover & stripper - Non Dangerous. Uses: Paint stripper. Group: Paint stripper. Grades: Non DG. Pack Sizes: 5L, 20L. Product ID: AC807. Able Westchem
Australia Wide
Able Ecostrip - Paint Remover ABLE ECOSTRIP is a NON DANGEROUS, NON TOXIC, low VOC, industrial strength ENVIRONMENTALLY RESPONSIBLE paint stripper that effectively removes high performance, architectural & industrial paints & surface coatings. Use as required. Product is: Low VOC. Non-toxic. Non-flammable. Non-caustic. No Methylene Chloride. Professional Strength. Non-Staining Blue Gel. Water based. No NMP. No Harsh odors. Australian Made. MOST paints. Acrylic Paint Stripper. Oil-based Paint Stripper. Water-based. Enamel Paint Stripper. Polyurethane Stripper. Lead Paint Stripper. Concrete Sealer Stripper. Varnish Stripper. Biodegradable Ingredients. Dilutes up to 20%v/v with water to thin for spraying. Pack Sizes: 5 Litre, 20 Litres. Product ID: AC807. Chemicals By Industry, Building & Construction, Chemicals By Industry, Janitorial & Maintenance, Chemicals By Industry, Marine, Chemicals By Industry, Mining, Chemicals By Industry, Workshop. Able Westchem
Australia Wide
DAPRO® BIO 400 DAPRO® BIO 400 is a bio-based solvent, a highly efficient replacement for glycol coalescence solvents, appears in a clear liquid form and provides superior performance and low odor. DAPRO® BIO 400 offers an effective reduction of MFFT and a 100% biobased carbon content. DAPRO® BIO 400 is recommended to use in water based emulsion coatings for both interior and exterior applications, sustainable coatings, low VOC coatings, cleaners, paint strippers, adhesives and sealants applications. Please see the specification sheet below and for further details contact our local sales representative today. Group: Specialty chemicals, paints & coatings. Composition: Levulinic ketal. Application: Adhesives & Sealants, Architectural and Deco., Can, Coil and Industrial, Construction. Function: SOLVENTSOther. Physical Form: Liquid. Claim: Bio-Based, Renewable, Low VOC. Product Code: PIM000046880. DKSH Performance Materials
Easy Coat Sealer - Gloss Seal EASY COAT SEALER is a ready-to-use clear and semi viscous acrylic polymer and solvent emulsion formulated to provide economical coverage whilst imparting a lasting protective seal to most hard and/or porous surfaces. NOTE: This product is highly flammable and should be used & stored away from ALL sources of flame or ignition. Typical coverage is between 12 to 20 m2 per litre. Prior to application of EASY COAT SEALER it is vital to thoroughly clean the surface using an approved Able Westchem detergent and allow overnight to dry. Also if previous coatings have been applied these must be removed using the appropriate Able Westchem stripper (AC800). EASY COAT SEALER should only be applied to clean dry surface. For most applications two coats is normally sufficient leaving at least an hour between coats, however, some surfaces may require further coats to provide an impervious coating. EASY COAT SEALER should normally be applied using a lambs wool applicator or roller, or good quality paintbrush. Spray applications are not recommended because of fire risk however this product is compatible with this method of application otherwise. EASY COAT SEALER is NOT suitable for use on vinyl, cork, linoleum or timber surfaces. EASY COAT SEALER should only be applied to surfaces with temperatures between 10-30 degrees Celsius with moisture content between 5 -15%. A moisture meter is recommended to indicate curing conditions. Airflow is required to aid the drying process however too much air flow can cause the coating to dry too quickly. Pack Sizes: 5 Litre, 20 Litres, 205 Litre Drums. Product ID: WC1053. Chemicals By Industry, Universal Products. Able Westchem
Australia Wide
Epoxy & Two Pack Stripper EPOXY & TWO PACK STRIPPER - AC805 is a viscous mobile solvent gel formulated to remove carbon, rubber, resin, paint and varnish from bricks, stone and metal surfaces, including ferrous metals and alloys. This product has a limited shelf life on the gelling component. Apply a liberal amount of AC805 directly onto the surface with a paint brush. Allow 10-15 minutes contact time for the product to penetrate and soften the coating. Finally, clean the surface by scraping or hosing off with water. Dry the surface and apply as before. Pack Sizes: 5 Litre, 20 Litres. Product ID: AC805. Chemicals By Industry, Brick & Concrete Cleaning, Chemicals By Industry, Building & Construction, Chemicals By Industry, Marine. Able Westchem
Australia Wide

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