Laboratory Equipment Servicing & Repairs in Australia

Where to find Scientific & Laboratory Equipment Servicing & Repairs?

We have compiled a list of companies who servive & repair Scientific and Laboratory Equipment in Australia, including: laboratory scales servicing, Analytical balances repairs, Centrifuges servicing, Colorimeter servicing, Conductivity meter servicing, Cooled incubators repairs, Electron microscope servicing, spectrophotometers repairs, Gas analyzer, Gas Chromatograph servicing, Haze meter servicing, Laboratory furnaces repairs, Particle size analyzers services.

Looking for a particular piece of Scientific or Laboratory Equipment to service or repair

Simply use the search box, then use the suppliers website link to enquire or for prices. The businesses listed that service Scientific and Laboratory Equipment, even if they don’t have a website, have a genuine Australian presence.

Product Description
Isopropanol (IPA - Isopropyl Alcohol)
Where to buy Suppliers range
ISOPROPYL ALCOHOL (IPA) is >99.99% pure and is one of the most useful cleaning aids you can have around. It is widely used as a sanitiser, general solvent and cleaner. IPA is a clear, colourless liquid with a mild odour that is a versatile and effective solvent being soluble in water, alcohols and other solvents, and will dissolve many types of organic substances including cellulose, oils, gums as well as natural resins. IPA is used as a universal cleaner for electronics equipment, being ideal for removing dust, buildup and marks as well as being a handy way to clean PCB surfaces when servicing and as a head cleaner. IPA is also used as a stain removal in the laundries as well as medical-grade surface disinfectant in abattoirs, veterinary clinics & food industry when used neat or diluted down to 80%, 75% or 70% depending upon site requirements. IPA is also widely used for vehicle paintwork and glass surfaces prior to affixing body wraps, sticker or tints over expensive proprietary cleaners. Pack Sizes: 5 Litre, 20 Litres. Product ID: AC823. Chemicals By Industry, Laboratory. Able Westchem
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